Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is it...lost or found

Ask me about failure and you’ve got my attention longer than a tweet on Twitter or a Like This on Face Book. Failure is the measurement of one man’s opinion versus the end result of continuation.

Within the time limits of today’s workplace settings what becomes the failed attempt if any attempt to succeed has been made? If demands aren’t met does that truly shout failure or has the accused been set up to fail by decision maker's who want to walk taller in his or her shoes?

Richard Andrew King writes, “Within the heart emotions stirs. Failure isn’t what we prefer; but yet, the victors all confer—the road to success is paved with failure. Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.”

Winston Churchill reminds us, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage that counts.”

In my first book One Man’s 1,021 Thoughts the writer within sharply challenged the paths of choice calling most conclusions ill fated bricks in my foundation of failure. I didn’t understand the difference between being numb versus being depressed; was it a signal of having bad connections or had one inspired the other to take lead?

In the book I write, “Depression isn’t anger against yourself or others—its God’s way of saying, Here’s a gift, you shall be un-numb.”

What is the cause of numbness? Is it failure? Fear of failure? Assumption of there being failure?

Mr. King explains that we live in a dual dimension, positive and negative, high and low, masculine and feminine, hot water and cold water…war and peace. You can’t have one without experiencing the other.

Numbness occurs when both hands have wrapped their grip around the same coin featuring heads and tails. Which when studied at a deeper level is a true sign of there not being balance. It’s extremely difficult to digest that without failure there can be no success. Gas prices nearing the four dollar mark and news channels have begun the process of questioning our nearly healed economy. Their actions have created a reaction; inciting fear.

It’s illegal for someone to shout fire in a theater but completely accepted if a reporter exposes the nuclear water off the shores of Japan might be poisoning the tuna we consume by the tons everyday.

King continues, “Failure is feared wounding those in search of success. People are quick to quit because they’re convinced that failure is something to be ashamed of when in reality it’s an integral part of the success process.”

Has President Obama failed this nation? It truly depends on who you’ve chosen to listen to. Being a country based on freedom of thought, expression and influences to be whatever you want anytime you want the recession tripped Corporate America while inspiring new visions from fresh entrepreneurs to reach up from the ashes and grab newer ways to continue believing in the power of succeeding.

King pushes the door wide open when he states clearly that no one sets out to fail but we all do.

No day passes that I’m not bombarded by radio broadcasting interns who’ve elected to chase visions of becoming part of an industry that critics have chewed up and spit out since the birth of television. Each of them believes they’re the next big thing and will do whatever is required for them to astonishingly attain the rights to the highest peak. My first reaction is to see how they handle failure.

I do not set them up for failure…the goal is to utilize a wise lesson taught 2,000 years ago from the masters of martial arts and open their wisdom by inviting the up and coming speaker chasers to see broadcasting for what it is and not what they assume it could be. I take off my black belt and wear only white, to show them that we are equal in ways they don't realize.

At a CIAA Job Fair I calmly asked the inquisitive mind, “How often do you blog? How many times have you been moved by a web page article but elected not to share it? While on Face Book do the subjects you cover include your endeavors or do you design your thoughts to include everybody?”
Social Media is the next valuable step that must be performed everyday for it to properly succeed.
Radio has not met its failure; its our houly mission to figure out where listeners are going and we won’t stop trying to find the communications link until long after a reaction has been met.

Think about this; 80’s long hair band legend Sebastian Bach recently said on That Metal Show, “Why do artist keep saying they were signed to record deals when nobody is buying records?”

I am the worst at calling my radio dreams a total failure!

I stepped off the full time performance stage in 1997 to help shape the image of what radio was quickly becoming only to stop, turn around and realize for fourteen years as a performer I can't help but feel as if I've helped everybody but me find success.

Talk about an ego trip! From the chapters of martial arts I pull from the paragraphs an act of humbleness. Rather than feed my desires to talk over someone’s favorite song the daily ambition is to drive down South Blvd to look at Keith Hawthorne Ford’s brilliantly large new location. He’s changing people’s lives by putting them in cars and trucks that are built to last. Someone had to create the radio messages built on truth and trust to open the mindset of a passerby to succeed without fear. We've been a team since he was a punk wanna-be sales rep that spent every morning washing the cars he wanted to sell. My failures as on on-air talent have become my success in a production room working one on one with clients like Keith whose only goal is to find people who want something new without allowing change to become what feeds failure.

Humble is when you stop to realize a higher purpose of performance…although a giant bowl of chocolate ice cream sounds incredible on a hot summer Carolina day…failure might clog the thought process if asked to share it but in the end its who you’ve invited into the circle that makes success a champion of right choices.

If your job has made you numb…locate the center of your balance. Bosses don’t create stress you do by allowing the bosses expectations to flood your life with a fear of failure. No matter how hard you try to become the biggest and best at what you do without failure you’ll never learn the black belt path of being humble and or centered. Being labeled a victor is nothing more than a high to which we all become addicted to. When you can’t get that high any more the decision is to chase other means of attaining shortcuts.

You are in the business of you…your job is only a client. I will always believe in you first.

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