Whether you’re rubbing your eyes, scratching what feels like mile long wild hairs in your nose then sneezing into the cold curves of an elbow; a meaningful change begins its annual attack in March runs through April then takes on a full blossoming in the first few blinks of May…
Does anyone stop to watch it arrive anymore? What about listen?
The big black crow that cuddles each naked tree in the winter has been replaced by extremely protective owl parents, yellowish finches and the faint sound of lawnmowers humanizing a once free rolling hill. I love the sound of bees that hide in bushes, near the roots of fallen trees only to be interrupted by the occasional faster than the speed of light mosquito who's hum resembles a bullet ricocheting off a rock in an old Hollywood Western.
Nature has no curse…everything present arrives for a reason; to better the layout of all and not a select Corporate American few.
I’m embarrassed to say that laughter burped from my gut last week when the funniest line spouted from the NBC sitcom Outsourced; two employees from the same company positioned in separate parts of the world, “America? The company still has people working there?”
“Only the decision makers…”
The workplace isn’t the vacation spot it used to be. Supporting my view is Seth Godin who describes our current “status quo” state as being the rebirth of heretics. No matter the day of the week there’s always going to be someone sitting in an office asking the question, “How can we do this?”
CBS This Morning took on the truth revealing the horrid numbers of middle aged adults whose life and style have become null and void due to a working environment no longer interested in experience. Again I laughed… While between radio dreams I dummy downed my resume and began receiving invitations. In one cover letter I explained the materials presented were created in a makeshift cheap home studio and I wanted to make sure the books I was reading had put me on the right path. The wanted to hire me immediately.
Not a smooth move. I was lying! The poor program director thought he had discovered a diamond in the rough and ended up getting an imagination that wanted to prove that having experience carries no weight in a business world more interested in putting energy in their own delivery without having to erase excess luggage from someone who’s been there. Or…companies don’t want to hire potential replacements of their position.
Seth Godin has a solution for this age of heretics and heartless cutbacks, “Belief. Nobody’s interested in change. No one is going to anoint you as leader. Nobody is going to see your PowerPoint presentation then hand you a check.”
As I was typing these letters into the face of your computer a coworker entered my recording studio with a rolled up magazine. I’m ashamed to say I rolled my chair back and calmly asked, “Are you going to hit me like a bad dog?”
He laughed
I’m still not laughing…
“Have you done something wrong?”
My eleventh grade Broadcasting teacher Tony Swear Engine’s bold Native American voice rang through me instantly, “It is easier to be forgiven then it is to get permission.”
Such thought grows through me like wild flowers tossed from a sack of seeds on sale at a big hardware store. Once inside the soils of everyday living and breathing no day passes that shouldn’t be open for new beginnings. I spend more time setting myself up for failure than I do following a format; thinking out of the box means performing out of the box.
Nothing achieves the right to hold bright unforgettable petals like that recognized during the birth of spring unless there’s a thin feather of belief.
Does anyone stop to watch it arrive anymore? What about listen?
What’s your first reaction when someone enters the workplace circle with a rolled up magazine? What if our first thought changed to, “Someone’s headed to the bathroom...”
Belief begins with you then it vines out like ivy…do all you can not to make it poison.
I will always believe in you first…
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