My wife dropped a quote on me like a giant overweight chunk of Carolina blue sky falling toward the unprotected earth below, “We don’t rest we collapse…”
Take five minutes and watch how people plant their bums in chairs; kids, teens and adults fall into the arms of what will soon hold them up, we leap toward the cushions and extremely soft sofa pillows, trip into the thought of catching a two minute catnap or brain melting without having a true clue as to how to make it through…
We are the people of a great land that have totally forgotten how to sit properly in a chair.
I’m so guilty of this uncomfortable mess! If the choice is to rest I put barely a butt cheek on the seat knowing at any given moment someone is going to call, write, walk through the door or scream ten buildings away requiring help, demanding a brilliant conclusion or seeking my imagination to help them attain quick success without making an effort of saying, “Thank you.”
My eating habits are no different. I forget to eat but when I remember my body takes over grabbing everything for those moments when there’s no time to eat. One minute I’m floating like a butterfly only to be drug down by a booty that rocks the charts near the mark that shouts from the mirror, “Pig! Oink! Oink!” It's not what you eat...its how you eat that helps you regain control of the waist.
What gives in a society that gives everything it’s got? Is it stress?
What is stress other than fear? What you fear invites stress not to your workday but to your every day.
Fear of failure? Fear of not being recognized for your hard work and dedication? Fear of being fired? Fear of not living up to your own potential? Fear of your children growing up with extremely bad mouths and demands? Fear of the bank folding? Fear the grocery store not having the right apples and bananas?
Franklin D Roosevelt made it incredibly clear, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
The majority of this nation is so busy trying to catch up the thought of our shadow sneaking up to scare us is the new American dream. A simple unexpected startle might sink some reality back into our veins; chasing our tails is a dog thing.
We don’t rest we collapse…
Truth is we don’t have leaders to help guide us along; every step of the way is someone else’s agenda. Do as I say or get away. We’ve adapted to high gas prices and a sagging economy. We’ve adapted to outrageous dreams of making health care a non-issue. We’ve adapted to the idea of going green but elect not to because those pushing the green door open have turned it into a corporate business with high out of reach prices. Nobody is saying, “Stop or else.”
My wife and I laugh about our true goals and the final outcome of all things connected; if given the opportunity and gift to live beyond the age of seventy its our mission to do everything humanly possible today to guarantee the cat food we’ll be eating in the future will not come from Wal-Mart.
Sleeping outdoors under a Carolina starlit night has become a job! The couple next to us in rusted like a bucket trailer camper lot number 21 calmly said, “We’re too tired to build a fire, please take our wood and we’ll sit with you while it burns.” What?
I sat across from the mid-60’s newlyweds of just over four weeks studying them; watching how they used their ageless hands to speak, grunted when one required support for an inside joke and I struggled with them when trying to pull their bodies in question back to the feet required to haul their tail to the nearby bathroom.
Outside of having each other they didn’t make getting old too much of an item worth chasing. Ouch!
I know we're born to die but are we truly supposed to become old?
Compared to this outwardly way of living we currently display; being of too much age seems incredibly out of fashion and completely out of tune with my dream, my plan and my destiny to one day convince the one world government to turn each square on the Google Calendar into a 35 hour day. Eight or nine hours dedicated to the career and 26 completely dedicated to rest and play!
We don’t rest we collapse…what if we ground ourselves from the present 24 hour performance and put in only 12? Not only will the weekend get here faster but milk won’t spoil so quickly.
How bad can it be? Bosses still have enough open space in their schedule to race away from the place of work and no play to get in a game of golf. Therefore every complaint is nothing more than your over active and way too vivid imagination. Have a great day. Oh by the way…(stealing from the Andrew Ashwood chapters of my 1991-93 experience) I don’t need someone willing to do their job; I can get that from anywhere. I require 80 hours of work for 29 hours of pay. If you’re not bothered by this…then I guess you can stay.
Not a negative…this is called awareness. Through becoming aware there will be peaceful change. Helping you pick up the pieces because I will always believe in you first.
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