Monday, April 19, 2010

Stop talking!

Thursday evening I stepped from the car and was instantly stopped by the visitation of a large deep dark brown owl just six feet from my nearest touch…for nearly 15 minutes we stood staring at each other—it’s not within the comforts of my nature to be silent…each word may have been soft but came in bags of 2,000 per second.

I commented about his face looking human like…an aged man that time wanted to forget but his personal embrace on adventure put him in places that curved his path around objects that might have halted another traveler. Easily you could see the owl had spent several summers chasing dreams without catching a breath or the invisible ingredients that would in fact make him famous on the shelves of self.

He gave me no comment in return…he kept staring. “Ohhhhh…this is like prayer,” I reminded my impatient self, “Sometimes you’ve got to shut up and listen.”

Animals…big, tall, medium or small, fat, hungry, vicious versus too loveable for their own good have always played an important role in the makeup of the trails I elect to follow or create. Not everyone believes in the power of Animal Speak until both lids of the eye escape a moment of meditation and take note of a giant snapping turtle sitting next to you. Rather than run, I reached to touch his house laughing like a kid when he hissed and hissed.

“You booger! You came to me…I didn’t chase you!”

Like yesterday...

Unexpectedly and with complete weakness in my knees…I spent time with the Catawba Nation’s Medicine Man. To a passerby…big whooptee do…unless your life and style are fed by the rivers that sneak past the limbs of growing trees held in place by the rooting system designed by wild weeds and flowers that tend to pop up from out of nowhere.

Like the owl…we stood staring, feeling what martial artists call Chi (key) energy. Candy coated and groupie-like were not the wisdoms driven…the vehicle was a mutual respect for each others experiences with a single note of harmony based on laws that gift builders and the residents who’ll occupy granted permission to continue destroying what once was an open field of living plants that time can no longer protect.

Upon arriving home, two whitetail deer dined without fear in the forest to which I vowed to protect 18 Carolina springs earlier—then without warning, one squatted…doing her business. What? It was if she had left the bathroom door open and confidently elected to share conversation while performing an act that every living breathing object on the big blue marble does everyday.

Trust? Absolutely! Although I personally couldn’t talk during moments of letting go…she was far from being shy. Good morning! Wow! Almost 48 long years of living and poof something I had never seen before. It’s absolutely nothing to brag about unless you believe in Animal Speak or you’ve begun the process of better understanding why dogs and cats truly mark their territory.

So I got my childish giggle fix and didn’t truly think much about it until arriving at work at 3:36 AM where I was greeted by a big ole fluffy cute as can be Raccoon who’s only mission was to put a dent in my constant flow of feverishly moving forward. Stopping…I stood staring at that mask he carries for a face.

“Tell me old friend…are you a bandit or do you wish to believe in the power of Gene Simmons of Kiss and think makeup makes you Spiderman or an undiscovered comic book hero.”

Not a single word given back to me. An air check session with my radio boss will probably have him saying, “Even the animals have no clue what you are trying to say…please stop being creative.”

So…this thing called Animal Speak…what did any of this mean? This is how it works.

The owl is generally associated with creativity, sensitivity, awareness of things not yet in form. How Owl relates to individuals and the messages she brings can only be determined by each person, or with the help of a Spirit Guide. Most often the message will come in one of two forms.

One is regarding the hidden realms within the individual. Are you self-aware? Are you hiding something from yourself? Are there core aspects of your shadow nature you have not looked into, or maybe are afraid to look into? The second would be in terms of relations with others around you.

Owl calls you to keep a keen eye for deception. This could be in immediate relations or a reference to people outside your direct sphere, maybe those in more public roles, like politics and business.

Then a visit from the deer: Compassion, peace, intellectual, gentle, caring, kind, subtlety, gracefulness, gentleness, innocence, and seller of adventure.

But what about the Raccoon? Curiosity and cleanliness…

Animal Speak is taking the message from each and connecting it to the events of your unexpected meetings with what you wish, desire, fight for or let go of as it unfolds through the periods called a workday and or hours that follow. Developing a sense of trust with the circles you keep outside all things beyond human.

The golden rule…you don’t pick the animal, they speak to you. See a snake? Stop running and pay attention to the message. Too many squirrels or earth worms…someone is talking to you and it’s completely 100% human ego to think it’s just us who reach out with words. Blah blah blah…

When you can’t find the words or actions to properly say and or do…always know the path you choose is protected by fuzzy, feathered covered, winged warriors or fishy like creations whose language comes from sunrises and horizons waiting to catch an never ending ray of sun.

Too much over your head? Only until an animal stops to talk to you then you’ll be reaching for answers.

Happy Earth Day Week!

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