Friday, October 26, 2012

Stop Expecting Romney and Obama To Heal America

In his book "The Charge" author Brendon Burchard clears the air with a stay at home truth, "The American workforce is no longer fooled by the usual trappings of success." When was the last time you compared notes? At 16, the owner of the Muzzle Loader Cafe in Billings, Montana invited me to join his team through an offer of free hamburger steak dinners before every shift. Followed by, "But I can only pay you $2.25 an hour plus tips." How I got into Radio thirty three years ago wouldn't earn me a visit beyond the receptionist today. Having passion, drive, loyalty and determination is weight. Department heads and consultants label "Ability" excess luggage not a fresh sack of tools that can be finely tuned. I wish I could teach Radio the way Andrew Ashwood, Bill Conway and Neal Sharp invited success. They inspired you to dream big. You can make it beyond Lewistown, Montana if you try this. My Broadcasting lectures begin with a hard hitting reality, "How much did you fork out to be in this class? Why? You should've taken that money and bought advertising. Money buys you 60 seconds of time. Being a start up jock might get you a six second break over the intro of a song you'll hear 5 billion times." I'm not being negative! If the American workforce is no longer fooled by the usual trappings of success, more Radio people need to stand up and show off their scars. Presidents and those hoping to become don't control the Unemployment Rate... Call a spade a spade. Future employment is a no show because those hiring fear beyond control that whom they hire could very easily be "Their" replacement. Therefore, through evolution the idea of offering a personal investment weakens then wilts before becoming dust in the wind. Technology hasn't been developed we have. Through the hourly use of Smart Phones, IPads and other electronic devices our steps of current behavior are stereotypically oversaturated with abundance. Why should anyone pay you what you're worth if you've already got everything? Here's a view from my side of the planet: Radio program directors no longer offer great take home pay. They can't! Budgets are the biggest joke. Not just in radio but all shapes of business when there isn't money everybody settles for tenth best, then bitches and moans about losing grip of what the company once had. Ryan Seacrest will never find his name in a book of Radio's Greatest Communicators. He's compared to Dick Clark. He isn't Dick Clark. The Best of the Best no longer exist in any business. Brendon Burchard believes our modern lives simply don't function based solely on the same considerations of security and sustenance any more, nor do we see our path to self actualization the same way we saw it a generation ago. Wait! Don't even think about blaming your boss for this mishap in American Culture! This is the abundance crap I was just talking about comes into play. We've been offered so many choices in our stream of success that society has elected to skip tradition and settle. Burchard believes the basic human instinct to locate security frees the brain from growing forward. Without novelty, challenge, connection and expression...this nation continues to sleep like a giant black bear in the center of winters worst bite. Personal and professional lives aren't supposed to mix! Separation between Church and State isn't just a God versus Government game purchased at Wal-Mart. You'd hate camping with me! While nature kisses the shores of incredibly beautiful mountain lakes with fish the size of ears are fixed to I Heart Radio. Not for the music. I study every commercial in every market. I'm hooked on this idea that one day the missing needle in a haystack will be located and in my palms will rest the ultimate Radio commercial that listeners couldn't tune out of. I can't master that plan sitting in a studio pasting Keith Hawthorne's voice together. My escapes into the real world are physical classroom sessions in a dysfunctional bewilderment of lost dreams and reasons why we should find work anywhere. The typical night out at The Comedy Zone isn't to find laughter. I'm addicted to art of listening to vocal delivery. Comedian's know how to get through a patrons bad day. When I pull into Taco Bell at 2am I find great pleasure in communicating through the speaker with the order taker. The goal is to get them to talk about the items on the menu. I find value in listening to what they know and if its strong enough I'll be convinced to buy into the idea. The American workforce is no longer fooled by the usual trappings of success. Why should I give my life away to big business when the real payoff is learning how to be me without carrying the job in my heart? There's no man or woman named President that has the knowledge to fix the workplace because it doesn't exist. I have to agree with Brendon's working conditions are nothing more than carrots being dangled in front of a rabbit. You might be promised more but bigger names in bigger lines will always figure out reasons why you didn't get this month's bonus. Stop reaching for that fucking carrot and get on with your life! Why cry about it...your body isn't making more tears. The American workforce is no longer fooled by the usual trappings of success.

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